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Ecocold fights to keep the cold chain unbroken

Ecocold | Blog - Ecocold fights to keep the cold chain unbroken

Ecocold fights to keep the cold chain unbroken

Have you ever thought about the conditions under which these products that you take home and place in your fridge or freezer arrive at the point of purchase?

One of the few unchanging requirements in an ever-changing world is that the cold chain must not be broken. The main function of the cold chain is to transport and preserve frozen products without thawing, to offer cold products to consumers and most importantly to deliver fresh and healthy products to consumers.

Food Safety is a very important and sensitive issue for all of us; protecting the cold chain at all stages from production to consumption in order not to deteriorate the physical, sensory and chemical structures of the products and performing the entire operation under hygienic conditions requires a separate expertise. With the awareness of valuing people, Ecocold has determined its primary duty to protect the freshness and safety conditions of the products in its own part.